Tuesday 10 July 2007

Fascinating Period

Goin to school again!!! This morning I started school as normal. Everything went smooth as I felt bored with the two sessions, but fortunately I had [WS102] Revision Test 2 and it made me feel a bit more excited. Guess what! I finished the exam before my classmates, despite wil be gettin low score on the exam...Let's mov on to the second period, it was quite interesting as we had group discussion and one person from each group presented--on different topics, but did good job so far...Then! Time for leaving, I left class with empty head and drove home as I always did...Finally, I got home and learnt nothin...


At Monday 6 August 2007 at 7:16:00 pm AEST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello hello
just drop by to see what u got in here....

I just realize how you feel after go to school.. ^_^

At Thursday 9 August 2007 at 7:46:00 pm AEST , Blogger Longdy said...

Hi, there!

No new post from you! don't forget to post something interesting happening out there in Australia. Upload some pic 2.....

Good luck!!!!

At Tuesday 21 August 2007 at 1:46:00 pm AEST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a blog! Seems like there's no change at all!

hey how often do you update ur blog? Once a month or once ayear?

must be very busy......

At Monday 29 October 2007 at 11:27:00 pm AEDT , Blogger ChINgCHanG said...

Please feel confortable posing remarks on my blog, warm welcome from Peter


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