Monday 29 October 2007

MoNdAY & TuEsDaY

Classes are just hours away, tuesday is coming in just a few minutes-it's now 23:53pm in Australia; i'm still sitting typing in front of a bright shiny laptop screen. As new day reaches, life is gonna be tough again-studies is ok, but being lonely is not that acceptable; somewhat, cant be bothered to find new friends. Well, that's all about it, the clock sets in 23:59pm, bed time comes-all details on tomorrow new posting.

LiFe EveNTs

Life is not easy as it seems-walking through thick bush, resting under the storm, walking in the rain, laughing in tears are all episodes that every single person provokes, and I am running through it. Living in Australia is neither hard nor difficult for me, despite being far away from friends is. Anyway, i am now doing ok, and everything is fine, unquestionably.